INSPIRED BY | Sara Grippo
At 23 the discovery of an autoimmune disease, in 2018 the transplant and the beginning of a second life. We’ll tell you the story of Sara who has overcome a major obstacle thanks (also) to the climbing
Sara Grippo is a woman who has gone beyond her limits. At the age of 23, she discovered that she had an autoimmune disease: unexpected and frighteningly aggressive. From day to day her normal life changed. Physical and mental pain came, the possibility of dying. Nothing was obvious anymore. She did not let herself be won and she held on a great willpower. To her aid, her mother’s teachings, source of inspiration since she was a child. She’s the woman who taught her to fight and to trust and she’s the one who gave her the love for yoga. Yoga and climbing as the best medicines. In the meanwhile, the disease worsened until, at 28, her kidneys worked no longer. Then began dialysis: three times a week tied to a machine with two big needles in the arm for four hours. And every time she came out, she was destroyed. Six years like this, waiting for a kidney transplant. Then the long-awaited call. On 2 February at 4:30 a.m. the phone rang, it was the hospital that had found a compatible kidney. After five-hour operation the rebirth. Now Sara can say that disease has been a severe teacher, but who taught her a lot. A story that Sara has told as speaker also at the TedX in Rimini, a video that we recommend to watch and watch again, till the last minute.
In your life you have gone beyond: you fought a difficult disease without stopping to follow your dreams. How do you exceed our limits?
Willpower is the biggest driving force that we have. It makes us get up and fight. I wanted to live despite the disease. They told me that I could not climb anymore. But I needed to climb and to do yoga to recharge and to think of something else. The passions are anchors in the most difficult moments: we should all cultivate our dreams.
On 2 February 2018 your second life has become: what did you learn?
I learned what it means to be born again and to be even more grateful to life for this new possibility that has been given to me.
Three reasons why you love climbing.
I climb to be fully in the present moment, in the here and now and to perceive every movement of my body. I climb to disconnect myself: I leave thoughts and problems on the ground to climb up. I climb to be in nature, surrounded by friends and to see beautiful landscapes from the air.
What is your idea of fashion?
I believe in the idea of feeling good, more than of fashion. I choose the garments that make me feel and that let me be myself.
Choose the Ferramosca garment that most resembles you.
The V-neck burgundy sweater. When I wear it I feel free, just like I was wearing a cloud, perfect for yoga too. At the same time, I use it to go out, to be with friends or for a more elegant moment.